Image from lake Antorno captured last month, I have been to this place many times but not in winter, and although it is inevitably less frequented, it is certainly always very beautiful.


I add details using my TTS Pro, panel, I lightened the shadows using dodge and burn, and recover the sky colors using luminosity masks.  I add some contast and increase the pink tones of the whole frame

I recovered the sky using another darker exposure, I add details using  I increase the yellow tones of the sky used to darken the trees, after this I increase the color vibrance and as final step image contrasts.

I always hope you will find this usefull. Love to ear this from you!


Camera: Nikon D-850

Nikon 24-70 f/2,8

Single Shot

ISO: 100 at f9

Software: Photoshop CC2022

Filter: Hoya HD MKII CIR-PL

Plugin: TTS Pro 3.0